Wednesday, February 9, 2011

ENT appointment

Today was a very stressful day. I woke up late causing the girls to be late for school, had to rush Evey over to a friend's house and then drive up to Chapel Hill. Well I admit it...I actually got lost. Had no idea how to find the place I was looking for and had already been driving for 2 hours. Get there and get checked in. They finally call us back to do vitals and they just weigh him clothes and extremely heavy diaper. They put us in this little tiny room. The Dr comes in a few minutes later and asks what is going on. I explain my concerns, she looks in his ears, nose, mouth etc... then she goes back out to read his surgical reports from UNC. Comes back in fills out two pieces of paper and says she wants to do a group evaluation on him so she will schedule some appts for us at UNC for March 10th. I was floored...really I drove over 150 miles round trip for 5 minutes of your time, to make my March 10th day an all day extravaganza! These days are long enough with one appointment but to have to see 3-5 different doctors?!?! Okay glad they are working together as she wants our current Surgeon, Pulminology, GI, and ENT to all work together since he has so many different issues already. I didn't get any insight into her thoughts...and I really don't like feeling like I'm being rushed out of the room. Its okay though, because when I get all those doctors together in one room we are going to get these issues addressed!
Also I think I forgot to post, but Colton had his follow up Cardiology appointment and it went really well. So well I could have appears the VSD he was born with has closed on it's own!!!

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